iSumsoft» Windows 10 »How to Restore Make Microsoft Edge As Default Browser Prompt

How to Restore Make Microsoft Edge As Default Browser Prompt

Isabella Shinn
Isabella Shinn


This tutorial describes how to recover Make Microsoft Edge as default browser prompt after accidentally checked "Don't ask again" in Microsoft Edge for your account in Windows 10.

Make Microsoft Edge as default browser

When Microsoft Edge is not set as your default web browser, you will get a Make Microsoft Edge as your default browser prompt in Microsoft Edge to either Change my default or Don't ask again. If you check Don't ask again, no prompt pops up when they close many tabs. Want to recover the prompt? Read on.

To recover "Make Microsoft Edge as your default browser" prompt in Windows 10, here's how:

Step 1: Open Registry Editor on your computer.

Press Windows key+R to open the Run dialog, type in regedit, then, press Enter.

Open registry editor

Step 2: In Registry Editor navigate to the following Registry Key:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\AppContainer\Storage\microsoft.microsoftedge_8wekyb3d8bbwe\Microsoft Edge\Main

Step 3: On the right-pane of the Main folder, click DisallowDefaultBrowserPrompt.

Ask Microsoft Edge to close all tabs

Step 4: Change its value data to 0. Then, click OK.

Restore close all tabs prompt